Georges Pond
Franklin, Maine

Secchi diskPreparing to lower Secchi disk

Great Secchi Dip In

For the past two years (2003-4) I have not been at camp during the time period when they like to collect their data. If anyone wants to take the measurement, please let me know. I have a couple of secchi disks and will get them to you. Please email me at 

Since 1994 Kent State University has coordinated a program which involves measuring lake water quality nationwide using a visibility measurement known as Secchi depth as an indicator. I'll put up a summary soon but for now for more information you can go to

For the past two years I have submitted data to them and have done so again this year. This year’s Secchi depth reading was done on July 12 and was 12.2 feet. I will put past year’s readings here along with readings from Maine DEP shortly. I am told by old-timers that clarity was quite remarkable many years ago – if anyone has any information or data, I’d like to hear about it.

Unfortunately, I was unable to take any measurements this year (2003 and 2004) which appeared to be a great year for water quality. If anyone else collected any secchi data, please let me know by email at 

Luckily, this picture is NOT from Georges Pond!

Secchi disk in action

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